- | DLL used by "derecmp.exe", containing functions for compressing and decompressing data with the "Enigma" format | |
- | DLL used by "derecmp.exe", containing functions for compressing and decompressing data with the "Kosinski" format | |
- | DLL used by "derecmp.exe", containing functions for compressing and decompressing data with the "Nemesis" format |
- | Object Listing File, which defines Object descriptions, setting data, and in-editor graphic displays | |
- | Graphic file containing some of the global Object graphics | |
- | Graphic file containing some of the Object graphics for Emerald Hill Zone | |
- | Graphic file containing some of the Object graphics for Aquatic Ruin Zone |
- | Emerald Hill Zone Act 1 | |
- | Emerald Hill Zone Act 2 | |
- | Zone 01 Act 1 (Unused) | |
- | Zone 01 Act 2 (Unused) | |
- | Wood Zone Act 1 (Unused) | |
- | Wood Zone Act 2 (Unused) | |
- | Zone 03 Act 1 (Unused) | |
- | Zone 03 Act 2 (Unused) | |
- | Metropolis Zone Act 1 (04 Act 1) | |
- | Metropolis Zone Act 2 (04 Act 2) | |
- | Metropolis Zone Act 3 (05 Act 1) | |
- | Metropolis Zone Act 4 (05 Act 2 - Unused) | |
- | Wing Fortress Zone Act 1 | |
- | Wing Fortress Zone Act 2 (Unused) | |
- | Hill Top Zone Act 1 | |
- | Hill Top Zone Act 2 | |
- | Hidden Palace Zone Act 1 (Unused) | |
- | Hidden Palace Zone Act 2 (Unused) | |
- | Zone 09 Act 1 (Unused) | |
- | Zone 09 Act 2 (Unused) | |
- | Oil Ocean Zone Act 1 | |
- | Oil Ocean Zone Act 2 | |
- | Mystic Cave Zone Act 1 | |
- | Mystic Cave Zone Act 2 | |
- | Casino Night Zone Act 1 | |
- | Casino Night Zone Act 1 (2P Mode Objects Layout) | |
- | Casino Night Zone Act 2 | |
- | Casino Night Zone Act 2 (2P Mode Objects Layout) | |
- | Chemical Plant Zone Act 1 | |
- | Chemical Plant Zone Act 2 | |
- | Death Egg Zone Act 1 | |
- | Death Egg Zone Act 2 (Unused) | |
- | Aquatic Ruin Zone Act 1 | |
- | Aquatic Ruin Zone Act 2 | |
- | Sky Chase Zone Act 1 | |
- | Sky Chase Zone Act 2 (Unused) |
- | This program is used for decompressing and recompressing the Hill Top Zone and Sky Chase Zone Tilesets before and after applying their respective patches | |
- | This program is used to correct the size and checksum header information after Injection | |
- | This is the "Injector File" that contains modifiable information for setting up the "Title Cards" that provide Zone names | |
- | This is the "Batch File" that is used to initiate Injection | |
- | This is the "Injector File" that contains the information for placing the modified data back into the game file | |
- | This is the "Injector File" that contains various modifiable options for the game | |
- | This is the "Batch File" that is used to split data from the game file | |
- | This program is used to create proper Tilesets for Hill Top Zone and Sky Chase Zone by applying their respective patches to the extracted data |
WORD XStart, XEnd, YStart, YEnd
- | The leftmost world position that the screen is allowed to scroll to within the level | |
- | The rightmost world position that the screen is allowed to scroll to within the level | |
- | The uppermost world position that the screen is allowed to scroll to within the level | |
- | The lowermost world position that the screen is allowed to scroll to within the level |
BYTE MWidth?? + MHeight??, TCTilePos_? + MPHigh, TCTilePos_? / 2 + MPHigh, XOff
- | Add together the names of the Width and Height "Defines" that describe the pixel size of the desired letter. A Y offset can be applied to the letter by also adding "YOff * 16 + " to the beginning of the entry, where "YOff" is the value by which to offset the letter from the Titlecard position on the Y axis. Generally, there should be no Y offset, however. | |
- | The name of the "Define" that corresponds with the desired letter, plus the define "MPHigh" to give the letter "High" priority. | |
- | The same as the previous entry, except that the "Define" for the letter (its VRAM position) is divided by two, for use in the split-screen mode. | |
- | The X offset from the TitleCard's position at which this letter should be placed. |