(AKA: Rock / Rock man)
Weapon: Mega Buster
Special abilities:
Low Slide (down + jump button): Allows Megaman to slide
through small areas.
Charged Shot (hold attack button): By holding down the shot
button Megaman will charge his megabuster and fire a powerful
(AKA: Blues)
Weapon: Proto Buster
Special Abilities:
Air Dash (Dash Button while in the air):Allows Protoman to
dash midair, allowing greater air distance. When dashing, his
shield protects from projectile attacks, and can even be used to
charge through some lesser enemies.
Charged Shot (Hold attack button): By holding down the shot
button, Protoman will charge his buster and fire 4 powerful shots
equal to Megaman's charged shot.
(AKA: Forte)
Weapon: Bass Buster
Special abilities:
Dash (Dash Button): Allows Bass to dash across the floor
Double Jump (Jump button): Pressing the jump button in
midair will make Bass perform a second jump,allowing for greater

game.hcg and key def files made to
comply with HCGE (formerly E02) release 14.06.16
format updates. To continue playing
with the newest HCGE update, please
redownload. Thanks for your patience.
-Typo in loading for the HUD was
exposed by the new E02. This fix
probably prevents a few load crashes
-Minor code fix to Zaiaku Man. May
not have been a noticeable problem
-NinJoe no longer occasionally just
stands there
-Characters no longer enter their
victory pose when standing still
mid-level after having already
beaten Zaiaku Man
This Game was built using the Headcannon Game Engine, and can be installed
directly from the HCGE "Downloads" interface
Download here to install manually by placing the contents into the
HCGE program folder

(Note: This story takes place after Rockman & Forte but before Rockman:
Power Fighters.)
It had been some time since Dr. Wily vanished;
having been defeated once again by Megaman. Some people believed it was
for good, some knew it was only a matter of time. Until then however,
there was rejoicing.
In times of such peace, people shifted their attention from tactical
creations to inventions that would better mankind. It was in this spirit
that the first ever convention dedicated to bringing the brightest minds
together for just that purpose was held.
Dr. Light received an invitational letter. The meeting was to be held in
secrecy at a discrete location, for fear of any possible attack. The
good doctor was excited about the idea - to mingle with great minds and
share thoughts on how to make the world better was a dream. He was
confident that united the world would benefit the most. Some days after
receiving the letter, he had bid farewell to Rock and Roll and was on
his way.
Days passed and still Rock had no contact with Dr. Light. He knew how
important the event was and how deeply involved it must have been. He
waited patiently; he knew Dr. Light would contact them in time.
Weeks passed and Megaman had grown increasingly more worried. Why hadn't
Dr. Light contact them? Word spread that Dr. Light was missing and an
all-out global manhunt began...
Returning home after another long and fruitless search, Megaman slumped
against the couch. He was worried and losing hope; The world was vast
and the chances of finding one person was so astronomical... Roll sat
beside him, gently patting her brothers hand when the show she had been
watching was interupted by an emergency broadcast. "We interrupt our
regularly scheduled program to bring you this special report: City in
crisis! Our sources have reported hundreds of renegade machines running
amuck in our fair city. The devastation is massive and the police are
helpless to stop it!" "Oh no! Megaman!" Roll cried. "You have to help
"This has to be the work of Dr. Wily! I bet he's behind Dr. Light's
disappearance too! I'll make sure he pays for this!"